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The bar is hopping, and you are full of energy after spending the day at the pool basking in sun like an elephant seal. The white linen shirt you're wearing really highlights your sunburn, and there is one button left undone. This is more than what would be acceptable back home. Once you've made your way with the boys to the bar, you notice the goddess sitting next to you. She is more tanned and has a physique that would rival a middle distance, all-American track star from Duke University. She is without a doubt one of the most beautiful specimens that you've ever seen.

Justin Bieber's Despacito remix starts playing an hour or two into the evening after you have successfully drank five or six shots from the bartender.swiss iwc replica You're dancing on the floor and you slither. Unlike what happens every weekend, she does not turn and run. You have a memorable evening that you'll share with your grandson at Christmas dinner for years to come.

This is what I felt as I entered the swiss iwc replica booth at SIHH. I was completely lost when I saw the new Master Control collection. I could not accept it. It was impossible to accept a watch that gorgeous, calibre that high, made by JLC at this price. It's true, I too had a private moment with the Datemaster Control at SIHH. The moment was short, as others also wanted to spend time with her. So, I left, heartbroken.

This week, I had the opportunity to reunite with my long-lost lover. She was even more gorgeous than I remembered from our 45-minute session at Geneva.

Detail is everything to me. The case size is perfect. Retro,Breitling Bentley Replica skeletonised hands with batons are magnificent. Really, really sexy. It's different. Only 8.5mm thick, the case is slim and comfortable. It is possible to see the beautiful JLC 899/1 automatic movement through the caseback.